Loire has many picturesque villages. They often present a strong patrimonial, architectural or landscape interest. However, they remain generally unknown and deserve to be better promoted. With this in mind, the Department of the Loire proposes that certain communes with remarkable architecture and environment become "Villages de caractère". (villages of less than 6,000 inhabitants, often with a medieval heritage).
You can check-out the 4th edition of the brochure "Les Secrets de Nos Villages" from this link : https://issuu.com/loiretourisme/docs/brochure-vdc-2018-version-def
This medieval city, became a "Village de Caractère" and "Village du Verre" (Glass Village) in 2011. It contains houses of the 13th, 15th and 16th centuries, testimonies of a rich past, which make the happiness of visitors
A real fabulous panorama overlooking the river. Let yourself be seduced by its remarkable views (Celtic settlement, church, keep, ramparts, frescoes, renaissance manors)
From its rich history, the city has kept stone houses (13th century), picturesque half-timbered and corbelled houses (14th-15th century) or renaissance and classical architecture style. It is pleasant to take your time through its medieval streets.
In the heart of the Pays d'Urfé, on the commune of Champoly, come and discover the castle of the Cornes d'Urfé.. This medieval building will offer you a magnificent panorama on the surrounding mountains.
https://loiretourisme.com/ fiche/132657/chateau-durfe